All At Once
exhibition — Grailers DAO, Singular, and Verse
Presented by GrailersDAO and Singular, "All At Once" is an exhibition exploring the concept of time and chronology in blockchain art.
Technology exists to solve problems, while art often creates them. The challenge is to make generative, unruly work in the context of technological solutionism. How can artists create interesting problems in a world obsessed with solving them? Artists often challenge convention, and in this exhibition they are invited to rethink chronology and time within ordinal sequencing. Time can be a subjective and dynamic material when artists work with the blockchain, a technology that has chronology at its core. — Kevin Buist
Sarah Meyohas
Matto - Shinkai
Rhea Myers
Mia Forrest
Jennifer and Kevin McCoy
John Provencher
Constant Dullaart

Featured Project
John Provencher
As part of the "All At Once" exhibition, John Provencher released a special series titled {test}, consisting of 64 unique outputs. This generative script explores various image processing and downscaling algorithms, testing the resilience of images to resolution changes and dithering. The series uses the Mona Lisa as a benchmark, demonstrating how endless variations can emerge from a single, iconic image.